

Page history last edited by WikiAdmin 2 years, 5 months ago

Welcome to my PBworks wiki



pretty sheepdog#


This site is in two parts....  


a) NoviceGuard material. It has its own front page... NoviceGuard Wiki Front Page


b) The rest...


The rest is probably best accessed via what I should have here, but by a historical accident is at...




Elsewhere on the web: May I also ask you to have a look at wywtk.com ?


... other than...


  • aaKatrina- A discussion of ways and means to reconnect displaced people after, say, a hurricane, civil war, etc.
  • ngFrontPage - Home page for "NoviceGuard" information (Novice-tolerant Arduino)



The rest of this wiki used to be a Schtuff space at sheepdogsoftware.schtuff.com but wasmigrated to PBworks, via PBwiki, years ago. Whew. There are a few differences between Schtuff and PBworks -- The page called 'FrontPage' is new. You're looking at it! (And it is, un-changably, the landing page for anyone going to sheepdogsoftware.pbworks.com)


Here's a list of the pages on the site:


  • aaKatrina- A discussion of ways and means to reconnect displaced people after, say, a hurricane, civil war, etc.













  • lt00organismshome- Home page fpr people learning about the classification of living things






  • ngFrontPage - Home page for "NoviceGuard" information (Novice-tolerant Arduino)




































  • whywiki - Ways to use Wikis in schools


There's 1 attachment. Logged-in users can see it via the Files tab. (Just a picture of a pretty Border colllie, aka (UK) "Sheepdog"

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