

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 4 months ago

Stop press:

For help with people missing due to the Oct 2005 south Asian earthquake, try the ICRC (Red Cross/ Red Crescent) site

A discussion of what should go into an internet answer to the problem of reconnecting people after disasters.

If you have some expertise in any relevant field, your contributions to this discussion would be very welcome. All you have to do is register as a user with Schtuff to be able to append comments to the discussion. Be advised: Your comments may subsequently be edited.

Table of contents:

The question: What problems are we trying to solve?

Internet solutions

Telephone based solutions

Other solutions

Some answers are already in place!

Click here for existing resources.

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http://sheepdogsoftware.co.uk/SchtuffClone/reconnect.htm which is a Google friendly clone of this page. (There should be an ".htm" on that, while there should not be ".htm"s on pages within the wiki, those starting with sheepdogsoftware.schtuff.com).

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